Mapping Out Your Goals For Your Business and Life…

You may wonder, ok, am I building a business here or doing a self-improvement course? Well, the honest answer is BOTH… Let me tell you why.

Remember when I said 95% of online entrepreneurs fail. It’s the same in the offline world as well and a major part of that is due to self-imposed limits.

However, I want to be clear, it’s not your fault. However, what you do from this point forwards is your responsibility.

Society programs us to be drones, to live in fear of failure. We are taught from a young age to “Study hard and work hard, you will get a good job for life”.

Let me ask you, do you believe in “Job Security” anymore? It’s a fallacy and it fosters a mindset that can cripple you.

So, what can be done about this? Well, many things thankfully and you are already on the right path with what you are starting with the IMSC Kickstart program.

However, we one thing we need to do is help you set real goals for your future.
Did you know for example only 3% of people in the western world set any type of goal for themselves?

Even if you set 1 goal you are already better off than 97% of society. And less than 0.2% actually stick to trying to make those goals a reality.

I am going to share with you one of the best exercises I know to help you determine your goals and how to re-program your mind for success.

What I want you to do is close your eyes and picture yourself 5 years from now. Literally picture yourself in your ideal life. I want you to give this life as much detail as possible.

Picture yourself living this life. What you do in this virtual future, the sights, smells, every little detail. The mind is a very powerful tool for doing this, it will reveal a lot of things to you.

Now, I want you to do 2 things. First, I want you to picture yourself in that world every day for at least 5 minutes, giving it more and more detail. Literally get lost in this ideal world.

Second, I want you to write down 10 things that are going to help you get there. These are your goals for 5 years… It could be money, it could be health related, just write them down.

Next, print them out and put them on the wall above your monitor. These are not only your goals but also your plan of action. They will serve as a constant reminder to you about what you can personally achieve and the direction you are going.

Finally, every decision you make from this point forward needs to move to closer to these goals. If it does not, it is likely a bad decision.

These goals need to be your beacon guiding you in everything you do. Even if your goal is just a few extra bucks a month to make life easier and get more financial security then perfect. That is your goal and everything you do needs to move you closer to it.

Again, in a few days I am going to send you another tip to help you on the path to success and to help you with your business.

Keep an eye out for that and I will speak with you then.

To Your Future Success,

Sean Donahoe