Introduction The consumer world today is rapidly changing. Long gone is the era of passive consumerism, these days consumers want to have their say on every product and service they invest in. And with the cutthroat competition, companies are actively seeking ways to gain more leverage through innovation. With theRead More →

Internet marketers everywhere seem to agree that if you don’t have an audience, you don’t have a future. They argue that if you have to pay for traffic to make money, you’re not just being wasteful, you really don’t understand how the social web works, or where marketing is headedRead More →

There’s been a lot of talk lately about Google hangouts and the SEO advantages of hosting a Google hangout and using this as a source of engagement with your followers and customers. Let’s just analyse this new piece of the SEO pie for a moment before we continue. Firstly, someRead More →

The rise of social media saw many bloggers join the race to build Facebook likes, Twitter followers and LinkedIn connections to grow tribes on social media. These all work well and provide a way for bloggers to distribute, gain attention and amplify their content. As Facebook, Twitter and other socialRead More →

Do you have decades of experience and expertise that is worth something to a knowledge hungry world? Is it locked up in your grey matter? Not structured or packaged? Today most of us are knowledge workers. It might be in finance, marketing, technology or public relations. Have industry knowledge thatRead More →