This is an amazing 6 Chapter resource on Exactly how Google Authorship Works and Why you need it on your blog. [quote]Authorship allows you to proudly stamp your identity on everything you write online, it shows Google you’re serious about building a strong reputation and it gives you a wayRead More →

What if someone said. “Today we are announcing three revolutionary products that will transform your business The first one allows you to self publish to the world with one click The second enables you to market your brand without begging the gatekeepers or paying big media. It doesn’t cost aRead More →

Cure Information Overload – Do Less Get More Your eyes are stinging and bloodshot. Your brain has all but gone on strike. You’ve just spent the last six, eight, maybe even twelve hours researching important data you need for a project. Or maybe you’ve been trying to learn the detailsRead More →

If you’re running a WordPress-powered website or blog, then you’re always searching for a way to innovate and make your site easier to use –for both you and your visitors.  This is one reason why WordPress plugins are so unbelievably awesome, because they seem like quick little cheats and hacksRead More →