The office holiday party is one of the few events where you have access to all of the higher-ups in a fun and casual setting. Take charge, introduce yourself, and schmooze. Your career will thank you..Read More →

Florida Cool-Weather (Winter) Vegetable Garden. “Cool season crops are generally planted… September through March for Central Florida… Some cool weather crops well adapted to Florida include: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, collards, endive/escarole, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce (crisp, butter head, leaf, romaine), mustard, bulbing onions, bunching (green) onions, shallots,Read More →

Cool greens planting plan Overall size is 13 feet long, 8 feet across. Each bed is 3 feet wide. Plant low growers in front and tall ones in back so all crops can get full sun. Cover the 2-foot-wide center path and the soil around the perimeter with a 2-inch-thickRead More →