Pins for making a meditation space have seen an increased by 49% in the past few weeks. Pinners are looking to start 2016 with a cool, calm and collected head. Why not try it out yourself?Read More →

Pinners are looking to start fresh. ‘Minimalist lifestyle’ Pinning increased 19% in one month and declutter has seen a 35% increase. Here’s a great Pin to get your started.Read More →

Pinners are looking to get organized, decluttering their spaces and their minds. Pins for “bullet journals” increased by 67%. Try this guide to get your started on the “customizable and forgiving organization system” that can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be allRead More →

Pinners love “dry brushing.” We’ve seen an increase in Pins by 41%. Apparently, dry brushing the skin in a certain pattern with a dry brush before showering helps release your body’s toxins. One-third are excreted through the skin and dry brushing helps to unclog pores and excrete those toxins thatRead More →

Cloud bread is trending! Pins increased 73% for the bread replacement that contains no flour. It’s grain-free, high in protein, and low in carbs. Yum! 5 Ingredient, No-Carb, Rosemary Cloud Bread – I’ve died and gone to heaven!Read More →