A new theory (created by Andrea Donderi) is that there are two separate kinds of  ”ask” cultures you can be raised in. Neither is wrong or right, just different ideologies, but when opposing cultures meet, it ends in disaster. As Oliver Burkeman, author of The Antidote, recently wrote, you’re either an Asker or you’re aRead More →

Cure Information Overload – Do Less Get More Your eyes are stinging and bloodshot. Your brain has all but gone on strike. You’ve just spent the last six, eight, maybe even twelve hours researching important data you need for a project. Or maybe you’ve been trying to learn the detailsRead More →

You may wonder, ok, am I building a business here or doing a self-improvement course? Well, the honest answer is BOTH… Let me tell you why. Remember when I said 95% of online entrepreneurs fail. It’s the same in the offline world as well and a major part of thatRead More →

Spencer Rascoff is only 37. Yet, the Harvard grad and father of three has already accomplished so much. He co-founded Hotwire.com and served as a VP for Expedia EXPE -0.02%; he held the roles of CFO, vice president of marketing and COO at Zillow; and in 2008, Rascoff was promotedRead More →