Here are some simple and effective ways to identify the kind of keywords that keep the traffic coming. Ranking well for competitive keywords is incredibly tough for the average small business. That’s why more specific and less competitive keywords can make a huge difference. For many, long-tail keywords (in aggregate)Read More →

The rise of blogging , Facebook and Twitter has made us all publishers. Add mobile HD cameras mounted to helmets streaming death defying leaps, extreme bike moves and dives and you have an explosion of multi-media creators and publishers. Mobile and modern camera technology coupled with global social networks areRead More →

In a dark cave called Google labs, 600 mathematicians with PhD’s who live on a diet of corporate provided designer food and who hang out in an office disguised as a playground flicked a switch. They let the Hummingbird update to their search engine algorithms loose. Their goal? Make findingRead More →

Companies are defined today by their unique story. Anyone can sell a product but why buy that product over another? Creating radio spots and billboard ads are not enough in today’s consumer centric marketplace to connect with customers, it’s content that helps craft a story about your business, drive homeRead More →

You may wonder, ok, am I building a business here or doing a self-improvement course? Well, the honest answer is BOTH… Let me tell you why. Remember when I said 95% of online entrepreneurs fail. It’s the same in the offline world as well and a major part of thatRead More →

Spencer Rascoff is only 37. Yet, the Harvard grad and father of three has already accomplished so much. He co-founded and served as a VP for Expedia EXPE -0.02%; he held the roles of CFO, vice president of marketing and COO at Zillow; and in 2008, Rascoff was promotedRead More →